Check In and Wednesday Links

I’ve started and stopped 5 different posts in the past two and half weeks, so I’m just going to get something out there.  I can be such a tough critic on myself/perfectionist that I need to remind myself that the ‘perfect is the enemy of the good’.  Plus, last week I was at a work conference in D.C. without a laptop, and typing a whole blog post on my iPad wasn’t particularly appealing!  Anyways, I’m glad to be back, and feeling more energized.  Here are a few posts, images, and articles that I’ve been very drawn to this past week.

Learning to Focus book excerpt from Everyday Mindfulness

Copper and Wool for My 7th Anniversary my friend Emma shares reflections on her 7 year anniversary of being diagnosed with MS

The Story of My Preemie and our Journey in the N.I.C.U. friend Andrea of The Everyday Soiree shares the second half of her daughter Birdie’s birth experience

Post and Totem quilt patterns from Carolyn Friedlander

‘The Chief’s Canoe’ by Belmore Browne at the Smithsonian American Art Museum in D.C.

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